tekeyan podcast list for june 2020

5   Gerald Papasian   June 3/2020

Jirair talks about some of his on stage comical experiences. Jirayr Papasian from Armenia talking about some of his funny experiences of the stage.

6   Azad Temisjaian  June 3 /2020

 Mr Temisjian talks about the ARARAT homes of Montreal, as its Founder Chief executive officer and co-director – in these difficult days of pandemic. Azad Temisjian founder and Executive director of RÉSIDENCES ARARAT, interviewed by the Tekayan podcast. He talks about its past history, its actual situation and how they face the Coronavirus situation.

7   Aram Arkun    June 5/2020

Aram Arkun from Boston talking about Tekeyan’s mission and achievements. 

Aram Arkun talking about Tekeyan Cultural Association’s mission and its accomplishments

8   Nora Armani   June 7/2020

Nora Armani a talented actor, producer, voice artist and curator of the Socially Relevant Film Festival joins Arto Manoukian of Tekeyan for the first of a series of interviews. The followers of this podcast will get to know Ms Armani and her great achievements in the film and theater international field.

9 Gerald Papasian   June 10/2020

Vahan Tekeyan’s poetry is recited by international actor and producer Jirayr Papasian. You will hear sample of poems in Armenian and one SPECIAL poem in English. This is an exceptional literary podcast, part of Tekeyan Cultural Association’s series of web podcasts.

10   Baydzig Kalaydjian   June 10/2020

Lebanon Armenians and their hardships. Baydzig Kalaydjian talks about the Armenian community.

Community Ramgavar leader, editor, educator and activist Baydzig Arabian Kalaydjian from Beirut, talks in a Tekeyan podcast about the Armenian community in Lebanon at these difficult times of pandemic.

11.  Nora Armani     June 14/2020

SR Socially Relevant Film Festival 2020 (SRFF 2020) kicks off the online festival with a selection of films on the impact of climate change and violence on women and a Panel on Friday, June 19, 2:30 PM, with distinguished panelists, moderated by SRFF Founding Artistic Director Nora Armani. She appears in a Tekeyan podcast.

12. Jule Arsène Nadeau  June 22/2020

Jules Nadeau, a journalist, and sinologist talks in a Tekeyan Cultural Association podcast about the Sarkisian family’s story of 5 generations.
The puzzly story of a family struggling from the Anatolian roots to their success in America. From hardship to misery, to success through tragedy and finally to a prosperous and a happy ending.
Mr. Nadeau with his perseverance unveils the true story of four generations of the Sarkisians. The story continues and the 5th generation of the Sarkisians is already in the picture.

13. Jirair Papasian: June 24/2020

Armenian opera on international stage – Anoushe opera in Detroit

The inside story about how the Anoushe opera was staged in the USA. 1981 is a memorable date where Gerald Jirayr Papasian was invited to produce the Anoushe opera for the well known Michigan Opera Theater. This was a first such PROFESSIONAL presentation of an Armenian opera.
Jirair talks about the ins and outs of this landmark performance.
The 1981 presentation deserved an encore and it was repeated in 2001, this time performed in Armenian.

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