tekeyan podcast list for july 2020

14. Hagop Amirian : July 7/2020

Armenian industrialist from Montreal who successfully established a manufacturing business in Armenia since 1996. Made in Armenia men’s underware and pajamas are distribyuted all over Canada and most parts of the USA

Hagop Amirian is a specialist in clothing manufacturing. Explains how and when he started producing in Armenia. Made in Armenia products such as men’s underwear, T-shirts, pyjamas, boxer shorts are widely distributed in Canada and the USA. A patriot who decided at all costs in doing business in Armenia – disregarding competitors like China, Vietnam or Cambodia. He started small and thrived since 1996. Amirian is a model for investors desiring to have a foothold in Armenia. He employs around 150 people in Noubarashen (Gumri) region.

15 PROJECT SAVE   July 8/2020

Safeguarding Armenian history – Project S.A.V.E. with Ruth Tomasian and Tsoleen Sarian

Ruth Tomasyan and Tsoleen Sarian of Project SAVE are the guests for a Tekeyan podcast. They talk about how the project started and how they are saving Armenian photographs, old documents from destruction and how their effort has brought some 45000 such valuable photos for their safekeeping. Old photos are being thrown away on daily basis, Tekeyan, as well as the guests, appeal to the public to save these documents and to send them to SAVE. This is a commendable effort in keeping our history and safeguarding it for generations to come. Please, save our history and donate your valued photos to SAVE. They will be taken care of with utmost attention thus making them available for future users or researchers. If you have such items please contact the Tekeyan Cultural Association of Montreal at (514) 747-6680 centretekeyan@bellnet.ca or directly to Project SAVE Armenian Photograph Archives : Our website: www.projectsave.org Facebook: ProjectSaveArmenianPhotographArchives/ Instagram: @projectsave_archives Tel: 617-923-4542

16  Jirair Papasian   July 11/2020

Tchouhadjian Dikran’s ARSHAK II opera in San Francisco

Dikran Tcouhadjian is our first opera writer. In Mid 19th century he wrote the opera ARSHAK II. How this work was discovered and how an effort was put in to come up with its original version. Its Sovietized version was a cultural distortion that Jirair and his team tried to correct. ARSKAK II was played in its original version for the first time in San Francisco.

17 ERIK (BZO) BAZINYAN   July 16/2020   Future World Champion – Super Middle Weight Canadian champion ERIK (BZO) Bazinyan Young Armenian boxer from Montreal – Erik Bazinyan aiming to become a world champion. His record is an amazing 108-1 in amateur ranks and an amazing professional record of 25-0, 17 of them with KOs Even though he was invited to face the world champion, he and his team of trainers decided to wait a few more years to have some additional fighting experience. A WORLD TITLE IN THE WAITING … A patriotic young Armenian, making his way to be the continuation of our past great champions such as Yenkibarian, Tartchinyan and Abraham.

18. Raffi Elliott   17 July 2020     LATEST NEWS FROM ARMENIA Friday July 17, 2020 with Raffi Elliott

Our analyst correspondent from Armenia, Raffi Elliott joins our podcast to discuss and analyze the latest developments in Armenia. Heavy fighting started on Sunday, July 12. Life in Armenia, the situation at the front line, discontent in Azerbaijan, area’s geopolitics, international concerns, …. etc.

19. Levon Sevunts   28 July 2020   Levon Sevunts and his story of journalism and helping Armenian journalists

  Levon Sevunts is a reporter/producer for Radio Canada International. Born and raised in Armenia, he immigrated to Canada in 1992. As a print and broadcast journalist, he has covered major stories in the Caucasus, Afghanistan, Darfur, the Sahara and the High Arctic. He talks about the Armenia/Azerbaijan conflict and his fundraising project to supply Armenian journalists with protective gear while they cover the war at conflict zones.

You can donate through the GoFundMe campaign at gf.me/u/ygvxq6

20.  Charlie Laderman   30 July 2020   Dr Charlie Laderman a British historian and his book SHARING THE BURDEN about the Armenian Genocide

Dr. Laderman is a Lecturer in International History in the War Studies Department, King’s College in London. He is also a Senior Research Associate at Peterhouse, University of Cambridge, for the 2019-20 academic year. TEKEYAN podcast talking about ”Sharing the Burden”, a book about the Armenian Question, Humanitarian Intervention, and Anglo-American Visions of Global Order. His first monograph, entitled Sharing the Burden, was published by Oxford University Press in 2019. It explores the American and British response to the massacre of Armenian Christians in the Ottoman Empire. It was awarded the Arthur Miller Institute Prize from the British Association for American Studies as the best first book on any American studies topic in 2019 and has been shortlisted for The Royal Historical Society’s Whitfield Prize in British History. His research was supported by one of the most prestigious academic fellowships for early career academics, the invite-only Harrington Faculty Fellowship at the University of Texas, Austin.

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