tekeyan podcast list for september 2020

26  Dr MEGERDITCH TARAKDJIAN  5 September 2020  A tour in the world of Artist/Sculptor Dr Megerditch Tarakdjian

Dr Megerditch Tarakdjian, other than being a specialist in the medical field, excels in arts and sculpting. His attraction to arts and self-instruction led him to the art of sculpting. His surrealist style as well as his sculptors of Armenian personalities are scattered all over the world. You will enjoy a virtual tour of his works and his recent two-dimensional creations. Dr. Tarakdjian announces a generous donation to the Montreal Tekeyan Cultural Association; the statue of the famous painter Arshile Gorki.

27  KRIKOR TERTSAKIAN  5 September 2020  HIDDEN AGENDA – Turkish expansionism and unadvertised conversion of another church to a mosque.

Krikor Tertsakian a sought after panelist, an agriculture specialist and an historian talks about the conversion of the church of CHORA to a mosque. A camouflaged act, 2 weeks after the well advertised conversion of Haghia Sophia to a mosque. Chora’s church is famous by its unique mosaics and frescos. Tertsakian talks also about this conversion act in the wide scope of Erdogan’s expansionist agenda.

28  Sam Keushgerian and Sylva Amadouni    SAYAT NOVA : Presentation S. Keushgerian and naration S. Amadouni PART I of III

A presentation by Sam Keushgerian on Sayat Nova the culmination of long and arduous studies of more than 75 literary references. This is part 1 of a series of 3 such podcast presentations. Sayat Nova’s writings and poems are presented by the sought after narrator Sylva Amadouni. Not to miss this researched literary presentation about our Armenian troubadour Sayat Nova.


29 Edmond Y. Azadian  12 Sept 2020   TURKEY bullying and his interventionist agenda. By Edmond Y. Azadian

From Iraq, Syria, Cyprus, Libya, the Caucasus, etc. Turkey is exploiting the vacuum created by the EU, NATO and the US to advance his expansionist agenda. How is that possible? Why is it permitted? and how far this Agenda could continue? Edmond Y. Azadian is among the best to interpret this geopolitical mess.

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