tekeyan podcast list for august 2020

21.  Armen Manvelyan   11 Aug 2020  GAS and OIL issues of landlocked Armenia with Armen Manvelyan

Armen Manvelian, a Ramgavar as well as Tekeyan leader from Armenia talks about Armenia’s energetic issues. Manvelian is a senior associate in Armenia’s national science institute, Candidate in history and international relations as well as faculty professor. He is the author of 3 scientific book publications as well as over 100 such technical articles in Armenia, Middle East, and Euroasia. He talks with Arto manoukian in a Tekeyan podcast about Armenia’s energetic problems as well as achievements.

22  VOVA VARTANOV    12 Aug 2020  Artsakh liberation veteran Vova Vartanov talks about Armenia’s recent military achievements and the NGO that he leads

Vartanov is a staunch believer of a punishing response for each Azeri aggression. They should feel the pain of military as well as territorial losses as response from our military. We are at war all the time and being alert and ready is the need for a safer future. He is a believer in making a fortress out of Armenia. He is the founder president of the so-called ‘’VOGHTCH MENALOU ARVESD’’ NGO, who trains participants in military, survival, martial arts, medical self-defense … etc.  

23  VAN ARMENIAN   14 Aug 2020 Published on 25 Aug 2020 Diamonds in the making – The future of our shining musicians. Atken Armenian fund and its achievements in Armenia by Van Armenian

Van Armenian, a concertmaster, a violinist soloist, an instructor and the founder of the Atken Armenian Foundation, of which he is the president. This foundation works in Armenia, offering musical training to top talents. Van is also the founder of the Zartonk International Summer Music Academy in Armenia. 

Van talks about how the foundation named after his father, find and promote talented youth to musical achievements. The non for profit organization has already registered huge success and served as a role model for others to extend a helping hand to Armenia. Listen and learn the details of this success story.


24 JIRAIR PAPAZIAN 15 Aug 2020   ARSHAK II opera in San Francisco (2001) – FROM SUCCESS TO DESASTER

Jirair Papasian from Armenia talks about the cultural success of the presentation of Tchouhadjian,s ARSHAK II opera in San Francisco. The original and unaltered version of the opera was chosen by the SF artistic team. The Sovietized version not being chosen, Armenian critics, by ignorance or for jealousy, started a media mudslinging campaign. An Armenian opera, even though mostly acclaimed, created a huge controversy and did lots of harm to Armenian opera’s presence on international scenes. Follow it to learn about this fiasco.

25  VAN ARMENIAN  25 August 2020  DIAMONDS in the making – The future of our shining musicians.

Atken Armenian fund and its achievements in Armenia by Van Armenian. Van Armenian, a concertmaster, a violinist soloist, an instructor and the founder of the Atken Armenian Foundation, of which he is the president. This foundation works in Armenia, offering musical training to top talents. Van is also the founder of the Zartonk International Summer Music Academy in Armenia. Van talks about how the foundation named after his father, find and promote talented youth to musical achievements. The non for profit organization has already registered huge success and served as a role model for others to extend a helping hand to Armenia. Listen and learn the details of this success story.

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